The Art of Adaptation: Turning Fact and Fiction into Film


The Art of Adaptation: Turning Fact and Fiction into Film

Även om boken handlar om adaption finns mycket att hämta för den som vill kunna mer om struktur i filmmanus.

Adaptations have long been a mainstay of Hollywood and the television networks. Indeed, most Academy Award- and Emmy Award-winning films have been adaptations of novels, plays, or true-life stories.

Linda Seger, author of two acclaimed books on scriptwriting, now offers a comprehensive handbook for screenwriters, producers, and directors who want to successfully transform fictional or factual material into film. Seger tells how to analyze source material to understand why some of it resists adaptation.

She then gives practical methods for translating story, characters, themes, and style into film. A final section details essential information on how to adapt material and how to protect oneself legally.

Förlag: Holt Paperbacks
Sidor: 256
Språk: Engelska
ISBN-10: 0805016260
ISBN-13: 9780805016260
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