50 bästa bloggarna för filmskapare
Tidskriften Moviemaker Magazine har satt ihop en lista med de 50 bästa bloggarna om filmproduktion.
- Adventures in Self-Releasing
- All About Indie Filmmaking
- All These Wonderful Things
- The Anonymous Production Assistant’s Blog
- The Art of the Title Sequence
- Ben’s Blog
- The Big Picture
- Blog Stage
- Bright Lights After Dark
- Cinema Tech
- Cinematical
- The Documentary Blog
- The Edit Foundry
- The Editblog
- Fast, Cheap Movie Thoughts
- Film Dailies
- Film School Rejects
- The Film Sensei
- Filmmaker Blog
- Filmmaking Stuff
- FilmSound.org
- FreshDV
- GreenCine Daily
- Hammer to Nail
- HD for Indies
- Hollywood Elsewhere
- The House Next Door
- In Contention
- The Independent Eye
- JohnAugust.com
- The Joy of Film Editing
- Just F*ing Entertain Me
- Living Your Dream: An Acting & Film School Blog
- Making the Movie
- A Moon Brothers Film
- The Movie Blog
- MovingPictureBlog
- OnSuper8.org
- Persistence of Vision
- Projector Films
- /Film
- Some Came Running
- StudioDaily
- Thompson on Hollywood
- Totally Unauthorized
- Travel Day
- Truly Free Film
- Twitch
- The Unknown Screenwriter
- Workbook Project
Vill du börja blogga och skriva om ditt filmprojekt? Voodoo Films har en gratis bloggtjänst bara för filmare och utan jobbig reklam. Kolla in voodooblogg.se och starta din blogg nu!