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- Filmböcker
Lista med böcker som lär dig göra film, skriva filmmanus eller bli bättre på att ljussätta och filma.
Sound Effects: Radio, television and film
Robert L. Mott
Am I the Idiot on Set? Set Ready
Michael Parnall
Cutting Rhythms: Intuitive Film Editing
Karen Pearlman
Sound for Digital Video
Tomlinson Holman, Arthur Baum
Film och andra rörliga bilder: en introduktion
Anu Koivunen
Film History: An Introduction
Kristin Thompson, David Bordwell
Karaktärer, repliker, dialog
Richard Rosengren
Speech, Music, Sound
Theo Van Leeuwen
Film, A Sound Art
Michel Chion
Franska bilder: Filmens födelse till Nya vågen
Lasse Bergström
Yrke filmfotograf
Peter Östlund
Björn Häger
Produce Your Own Damn Movie! (Your Own Damn Film School)
Lloyd Kaufman, Ashley Wren Collins
Creating Unforgettable Characters
Linda Seger
The Complete Film Production Handbook
Eve Light Honthaner
Location Audio Simplified (e-bok)
Dean Miles
"Roll Sound!": A Practical Guide for Location Audio
John Fielden
1001 filmer du måste se innan du dör
Steven Jay Schneider
Directing: Film Techniques and Aesthetics, Third Edition
Michael Rabiger
Adventures in the Screen Trade
William Goldman
Selling Your Film Without Selling Your Soul
The Film Collaborative, Jon Reiss, Sheri Candler
Shooting to Kill: How an Independent Producer Blasts Through the Barriers to Make Movies That Matter
Christine Vachon, David Edelstein
The Name of this Book is Dogme95
Richard Kelly
In the Blink of an Eye
Walter Murch
On Directing Film
David Mamet
The Filmmaker's Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide for the Digital Age
Steven Ascher, Edward Pincus
The Writers Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers
Christopher Vogler
Uva's Basic Grip Book
Michael Uva, Sabrina Uva
The screenwriter's workbook
Syd Field
The Five C's Of Cinematography
Joseph V. Mascelli
The Art of Dramatic Writing
Lajos Egri
Painting with light
John Alton
Manus och dramaturgi för film
Thomas Granath
Making A Good Script Great
Linda Seger
Introduction to Documentary
Bill Nichols
Film lighting
Kris Malkiewicz
Film & Video on the Internet
Bert Deivert, Dan Harries, Michael Wiese
Digital Cinematography
Paul Wheeler
Kris Malkiewicz
Alternative Scriptwriting: Writing Beyond the Rules
Ken Dancyger, Jeff Rush
Writing Screenplays that sell
Michael Hague
Writing Subtext: What Lies Beneath
Linda Seger
How to Shoot Video That Doesn't Suck
Steve Stockman
The Moral Premise
Stanley D. Williams
Ordbok för filmare
Roland Sterner
Screenwriting from the Heart
James Ryan
Att skriva filmmanus
Fredrik Lindqvist
Tools of Screenwriting
David Howard, Edward Mabley
Att skriva för film
Kjell Sundstedt
Homebuilt Stabilizer ...stabilizing a dream
Charles King
Ljudbild eller synvilla
Klas Dykhoff
Åsa Lundqvist
Veronica Grönte
Filma bättre
Erik Fagerholm
Filmmusik - det komponerade miraklet
Peter Bryngelsson, Joakim Tillman
Berätta med video
Erik Fagerholm, Siv Fagerholm
Ljudinspelningens ABC
Lennart Zetterberg